Reduce Fry-Oil cost up to 50% or more
Guaranteed oil cost reduction
Lighter, Crispier, and Tastier fried food
Absorbs less oil
Simple to Install, Use and Maintain with
no ongoing costs ... 5-year Warranty
Try Frylow at NO Cost. NO Obligation. Experience the proven savings yourself.
… in the same oil !
Try Frylow at NO Cost. NO Obligation.
Experience the proven savings yourself.
… in the same oil !
Well and truly, the Frylow units are working very well on both the Pacific Jewel and Pacific Pearl. An oil saving of 50% for the deep-fat fryers is evident. At the same time, fried food comes out much crispier and even tastier as the oil of course holds its performance factors much longer and more consistent. So, in other words, a huge step ahead and an investment well worth it.
Uwe Stiefel
Corporate Executive Chef
We have now had the Frylow device operating in our pub / bistro fryers for almost 2 weeks. This particular outlet is very high volume and with a high percentage of fried items on the menu from chips and wedges through to chilli salt squid, fish and chips and seafood stands. In normal operation we would be inclined to change the oil twice per week particularly after a weekend trade. We also have a chicken parmigiana night where up to 150 chicken schnitzels will be sealed in the fryer.We were impressed with the potential of the Frylow units when installed on the first day. As you were aware the oil was closed to being discarded the day we fitted the units. A test was conducted by which we cooked some chips in the oil which realistically was ready to be discarded, as expected the chips came out pasty and unappetizing. On inserting the unit and cooking more chips in the same oil the result was close to that of a product that had been cooked in relatively fresh oil. We, in turn, used the oil with the Frylow units in for another two days.
Following that we replaced the oil ready for the June long weekend with both fryers having the Frylow units installed. This weekend was extremely busy with high volume. The oil which normally would have been dumped after such a weekend continued to perform and deliver a quality product throughout the whole week, including the Wednesday parmigiana night and incredibly through the entire following weekend. The chefs who would normally discard the oil at the slightest quality issue with the food coming out were the ones who wanted to test the oil to the limit. The key being not to use the oil color as a indiction of the quality but use the quality of the product exiting from the fryer as the key indicator to oil quality and when to change. This has been an education process for us all, it speaks volumes for the potential benefit of not only producing a quality and more healthy product but a notable cost saving when using the Frylow units on oil consumption.
Peter Boys-Smith
Executive Chef
Fish at The Rocks was established in 1988. Since then we have built a loyal following as we are known for quality ingredients that re prepared with great skill and care.We saw the Frylow product at the Sidney fine Food Show on September 2009 and decided to give it a try. Over extensive testing on both seafood and chips, we managed to get much better performance from our cooking oil…the meals are excellent and the oil is lasting nearly twice as long. Frylow is unusual but it woks. I have no hesitation in recommending it to other businesses.
Paul Tate
Owner & Head Chef
After completing our due diligence at the largest and one of the busiest Ruth’s Chris in the U.S., our group has rolled out Frylow in all our locations. These are the results we got from Frylow:
• Better tasting product
• 10-20% reduced cook time
• 10F reduced oil temps
• More evenly cooked product with no burning tips or fragment
• We typically changed our oil every 3-4 days and now go 10-12 days.
I don’t need to tell you the savings this brings to the table on overall cost and oil.
Jeffrey M Blair, COO
Hoosier Hospitality Group
Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse
Apple Core has been extremely satisfied with the Frylow bricks. We have had them in place for almost 2 years now. We have decreased our fryer shortening by 50% from day 1 and have maintained that same ratio. With our 23 locations we had a savings of 1,094 tubs of oil the first month and have maintained that each month since. That is a savings of $1,284.26 per location per month.
Our ROI on Frylow was 3-4 months. The bonus is with the Frylow bricks we were able to turn down our fry temp by about 6 degrees. Apple Core is still saving $1,200 per month per location two years later it’s almost like printing money.
Dusty Jensen, COO
Apple Core Enterprises