Reduce Fry-Oil cost up to 50% or more
Guaranteed oil cost reduction
Lighter, Crispier, and Tastier fried food
Absorbs less oil
Simple to Install, Use and Maintain with
no ongoing costs ... 5-year Warranty
Try Frylow at NO Cost. NO Obligation. Experience the proven savings yourself.
… in the same oil !
Try Frylow at NO Cost. NO Obligation.
Experience the proven savings yourself.
… in the same oil !
After completing our due diligence at the largest and one of the busiest Ruth’s Chris in the U.S., our group has rolled out Frylow in all our locations. These are the results we got from Frylow:
• Better tasting product
• 10-20% reduced cook time
• 10F reduced oil temps
• More evenly cooked product with no burning tips or fragment
• We typically changed our oil every 3-4 days and now go 10-12 days.
I don’t need to tell you the savings this brings to the table on overall cost and oil.
Jeffrey M Blair, COO
Hoosier Hospitality Group
Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse
Apple Core has been extremely satisfied with the Frylow bricks. We have had them in place for almost 2 years now. We have decreased our fryer shortening by 50% from day 1 and have maintained that same ratio. With our 23 locations we had a savings of 1,094 tubs of oil the first month and have maintained that each month since. That is a savings of $1,284.26 per location per month.
Our ROI on Frylow was 3-4 months. The bonus is with the Frylow bricks we were able to turn down our fry temp by about 6 degrees. Apple Core is still saving $1,200 per month per location two years later it’s almost like printing money.
Dusty Jensen, COO
Apple Core Enterprises
Recently we had the opportunity to test Frylow in all seven of our fryers at our Goodyear location. With the high volume of food that is fried in our restaurant, we are normally changing the oil every other day. With the Frylow added to all of our systems we noticed that we only needed to change the oil every 4 to 5 days. This is a significant decrease in oil usage on average of 50%. We also needed to reduce the temperature and re-calibrate all of our fryers to 335 degrees from 350 degrees thus using less energy.
Additionally we noticed that the food took less time than our specification cook times which increased speed of service from the kitchen as well as decreased labor needed since we were changing oil less frequently. The product tasted better and came out more quickly. I definitely recommend Frylow to any restaurant that uses deep fryers. The cost savings will be evident.
Andy Bayless
Buffalo Wild Wings
Operations Partner
We have here at Carnival UK introduced the Frylow units to both P&O Cruises & Cunard in 2013 and we are very pleased with the results we are achieving thus far.
We installed the units in all UK ships and have achieved an ROI of less than 10 months, all while serving better quality food, reducing carbon foot prints and backed with a 5 year warranty. The units are easy to use, well received by our on board teams and have a great back up after sales service. I would recommend Frylow to anyone interested in achieving the above benefits.
Theo LaConte
RUI-Supply Chain Manager
Restaurants Unlimited
Recently, we installed the Frylow Technology in our most popular restaurant, The Cactus Grill, to see how it would work. Our entire staff was amazed by its performance. In that one restaurant alone, we will be saving over $4,500 a year on frying oil we will be saving on our labor costs by changing the oil half as often, we will be reducing our impact on the environment by 50%, and the risk, to our mostly student-employees, for an injury or mishap with the hot oil during the change-out just got cut in half also.
The University of Arizona offers one of the finest college dining services in the country. The quality, variety, convenience, and healthy food options are unsurpassed. Our mission at the Arizona Student Unions is to set an example for the University and Tucson communities by offering programming, resources, and processes that enhance and promote its sustainability.
Kathleen Van Os
The University of Arizona
Dining Services Senior Supervisor